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[Solved] What Do You Do When He Doesn't Text Back?

Home > Tips & Tricks > [Solved] What Do You Do When He Doesn't Text Back?
Megan Evans

Updated: Jun 20, 2022 03:15 pm

3 min read

Before We Start

I know, it hurts when someone ignores your texts. However, to protect your own mental wellness and self-respect, you need to learn what to do when someone doesn't reply to your text. Just follow these tips and I assure you that you'll get this person to text back sooner than you might think. If you want to directly see what someone is doing when not responding to texts instead of guessing, go straight to the technical solution.

Each one of us would have definitely been in these situations wherein we are waiting for someone's reply. Granted, sometimes people get busy and they don't get in touch right away. However, lots of guys admit that they might ignore calls and texts or set amount of time before answering even if they're dating!

Girls, there are actually some secrets they're hiding and texting turns into a competition. Instead of just sitting and worrying about why you haven't got a reply for a text, you can do the following things. This article will tell you about what you should do when he doesn't text back.

What do you do when someone doesn't reply to your text?

What Do You Do When Someone Doesn't Reply to Your Text?

When dating, you two might have often indulged in long chat sessions via texting. When your partner suddenly is not responding to texts, several thoughts run through your mind. Is he no longer interested, or angry with you, or does he have an affair? Hold your horses! Before you stress and panic in such a situation, here are a few things that you can do when you do not get a text back from someone.

Clever Ways to Do When He Doesn't Text Back

Give him sometime

You can start a conversation but try not to be too intense. For example, if you are having a meal, you don't need to write a novel with the details to your crush or partner. Let him know what's exciting like a new movie, but not everything around you.

If what you messaged wasn't about something urgent, you must give time for him to respond. Give him at least 6 hours before you start jumping to conclusions. It can be possible that the cell service is shoddy where he lives, he might be occupied with a busy schedule, or he may even be stuck in an emergency. When a guy takes hours to text back, you must avoid seeming way too eager, which would scare the other person. Wait for a while patiently, and do not take hasty decisions.

Do not jump to conclusions easily

We generally tend to overthink when someone we like does not respond to the sent message. You must avoid doing this. Once you sent a text, do not guess his respond or overanalyze it. Keep it cool. The reasons when a guy takes hours to text backcan be many; you need to be patient and not over-analyze the situation.

Do not follow up with nonstop texts

If you need an urgent response for your message and when someone ignores your text, you can follow up on your initial message with another one. You can send this message about 2-3 hours after you send out the first text. You need not sound confrontational in the message. A simple "Hey, just wanted to check if you got my text earlier?" would do. This would give the other person an opportunity to give you clarity about why they could not respond to your text earlier.

If they ignore even this message, that may mean that they do not want to talk to you. It is not the end of the world, but endless texting is annoying even coming from someone you like. Put your phone down and be cool.

Divert your mind

During the time you are waiting for their text, get busy and go about completing your tasks of the day, and do not think too much about how to get someone to text you. When your mind stays diverted from your message seemingly being ignored, you would not overthink and panic unnecessarily.

Do something which makes you happy, call a friend, have an impromptu get together with others, or do anything else which would instantly bring a smile on your face and take your mind off of not getting a response to your text.

Let go

If you are in the initial stages of dating and you have got no text back for your message, the best thing to do would be to let it go. If they have ignored your messages all this while, there is no harm in sending one final text calling off your relationship with them. Whenever such a message to end things is sent, generally, people do come back with an apology. If they do, good for you, but if they do not, you are better off without them.

I know it sucks when someone ignores your text, but learning how to get someone to text you back without being annoying is not just being polite. It is also about believing in yourself. Remember that you deserve someone who is excited to hear from you, not someone doesn't text back or takes hours to text back.


When you do not get a response to your text from your husband, or partner, even after repetitive attempts, you may think why he ignores my texts and there may be several doubts that would arise in your mind. What's next? What if I tell you that there is a technical solution to track everything a person does and where the person goes, sounds great, isn't it? Keep reading on the method below.

Extra Tip: See What He is Doing When Not Responding to Texts

Why he doesn't text back or ignore my calls and texts? The only way to put your thoughts at ease is by checking his phone to see what he is doing when he doesn't text back. You can take the help of a third-party app for this purpose. There is no better app than KidsGuard Pro for helping you out with this.

Plus, this app offers 24/7 real-time monitoring to let you find everything on your partner's phone. You can read someone's sent and received texts and instant messages, listen to recordings of his phone calls, snoop through browsing history, track real-time location and more. KidsGuard Pro can also activate the rear camera on target device to take secret picture. This is a highly effective app that helps you check on such details without your partner's knowledge when not responding to texts.

Monitor NowView Demo

Once installed, all of the data collected by KidsGuard Pro is encrypted and sent to a web portal where you can review it from any device. Perhaps the most important thing about KidsGuard Pro that might bring you comfort is that it works in hidden mode. The app icon vanishes from home screen and task manager and it won't trigger any notifications too. Your partner will never know that they have a monitor app on their phone.

kidsguard pro can be used to monitor someone's phone

Why Choose KidsGuard Pro to See What Someone Is Doing

My husband ignores my calls and texts; he makes me wait for hours before responding to a text, etc., are very common problems faced by lots of people. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, KidsGuard Pro can help you figure out what he's doing behind you.

  1. Your partner doesn't come to know that you are monitoring on them due to KidsGuard Pro stealth design.

  2. You won't need to have any technical knowledge to use KidsGuard Pro.

  3. Up-to-date data syncing helps you find out everything happened at anytime.

  4. Fully compatible with Android and iOS devices.

  5. It can track 30+ files on someone's phone. Go to its free demo for more details.

  6. You can monitor a phone from anywhere, even where the monitored phone is being protected.

Also Read: The Best Way to Spy on Cheating Spouse Text Messages


Texting has now become the most common means of communication among cell phone users of all age groups. With the ease and convenience of texting, you would also be subjected to multiple uncomfortable scenarios.

One of the most common situations is when you text someone, and they do not respond back. This article can help you out in knowing how to get someone to text you back without being annoying. If you want to dig deeper and find out what exactly your partner keeps doing on their phone while you wait for their text response, you can make use of a 3rd-party tool like KidsGuard Pro. Just like having a private detective uncover actual proof of adultery is all that can give you a peace of mind.

Monitor NowView Demo


By Megan Evans

A certified content marketing specialist with great passion for Internet and online safety. She is bent on educating the audience about cyber safety tips and tricks.

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