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[Solved] 5 Things You Must Do if Your Email is Hacked

Home > Spyware Remover > [Solved] 5 Things You Must Do if Your Email is Hacked
Cody Walsh

Updated: Feb 21, 2022 05:28 pm

3 min read

Email hacking is an unauthorized way to access someone’s personal email accounts without one’s consent. Some of the common problem are like it can lead to financial loss, email breach can be done to damage one’s information which can lead to a great problem for anyone.

While reading such articles the most frequent question is "how do i know if my email has been hacked"? This article will discuss the signs that your e-mail is hacked and tell you what you can do.

email protection

Part 1. How to Know If Your E-mail Inbox Has Been Hacked?

The Best Choice - Use ClevGuard Security App to Check

Simply click on the "Get it in Google Play Store" button below and finish the installation. Open Clevguard and find the entrance to check the security of e-mail. You only need to enter your e-mail address. After a few seconds, it will show whether your e-mail was hacked. If so, ClevGuard will show you the website which hacks your e-mail and you can also see the date through this app.

google play store button

There also a number of clues you can get the answer of your question "has my email been hacked"? The most common symptoms can be like:

  • If you remember your email password and still it is not helping you out to login, then it definitely means that someone has breached your account and had changed its password too.
  • Sometimes hackers don’t change the password and it seems everything alright but when you see sent box and find some messages unrecognized, it also means someone has hacked the account.
  • Hackers try to get your bank details and other financial ways they can use to get money. If you find such emails in inbox just realize that someone is misusing your account.
  • To verify that someone has hack email you can check IP address, match the IP address of your location, if other IP address is also shown it means your account is hacked.
  • If you find unexpected password resetting messages for your various accounts, it also means someone is trying to access your personal accounts through your email and email is hacked.
  • If you got emails from your friends and other contacts that they are receiving spam messages from your account, it also ensures that your mail account is being misused by someone else.
  • Part 2. What to do if your email has been hacked?

    Want to enhance e-mail protection? Here are some steps and procedures to do and answer the question "what to do if the email is hacked".

    email hacking

    Change Your Passwords

    If you find your hacked email the first thing you should do is to change the password. If your password has already been changed and you can’t access your email, then you have to contact the email provider directly and after few confirmations you have to prove it who you are, you can get access to your account.

    Now the reset password should be unique and complex i.e. including capital letters, symbols and numbers etc. As much complicate the password is, the more difficult will be to get its access through hacking. If you still need help to choose your password you can take help from secure password manager.

    Change Your Security Questions

    Another important way to secure your email is to change your security questions. It’s a very simple and easy process. Just click on home and select My Account. On the very left side choose Security options. Here you will find the option to edit security questions. Select the security question of your own choice and if applicable you can also write the question as per your choice.

    Then finally enter the secret answer to the questions. Try your level best to select unique questions and unique secret answers to it so that your security threats of getting hacked email would decrease.

    Use Security Software to Check Your Device

    To keep secure your email account, we should use several highly secure and licensed software’s. You can run an anti-virus to scan completely to identify the malwares and avoid key loggers to hit your privacy. The best way to stop others to hack email is to use all the latest versions of software i.e, ClevGuard, browsers, antivirus etc.

    This is because the latest versions are always up to date with current problems and new algorithms are added in it to secure your privacy even more than before and the hackers face difficulties in destroying the privacy.There are several types of anti-viruses available in market and online also. Some software are free of cost and they provide limited services while some of the security software are paid.

    They provide full security for your account because they have strong algorithms. Force point, Avanan, N-able, Mime cast, Cisco, Microsoft etc. are the top ranked and used Email Security Gateways. "Secure anywhere" is a multi-vector protection against malware and viruses that provides protection against key loggers, spyware, back-doors and advanced persistent threats.

    Notify Your Email Contacts

    If your email account has been hacked the first thing you should do is to inform people who are in contact with you over there so that they get aware of this and stay conscious. People usually hack email and then ask the people in the contact list for money on behalf of the person.

    So, it becomes very essential to inform other about this. Some people also hack others emails to damage their personality by sending unexpected email and unethical or illegal messages to others. So, before facing such problem the most important thing is to inform others that my account has been hacked so if you got any message just ignore it.

    Sometimes it happens that the hack email does not get restored then the effected person should all of a sudden make another email with the same name and text the people to avoid the previous email and mention them the reason that it has been hacked.

    Report the Hack

    One answer to the question "what to do if email is hacked" is simply to report the concerned team about the hacked email. Sometimes you need some of your contacts also to report that account so that the concerned team and algorithm may check that the same account is reported many time so they just block it. This is done only in case you are not able to secure your account by trying several times so you must try to report it and block it.

    All the email service providers have their special methods to secure email accounts. Proper account recovery strategies are provided but still after this sometimes a person is unable to provide the security confirmation details and computer does not recognize it. In that case one must use the power of reporting the hack. Even you can take legal action against this. Cyber security is the one dealing with hacking cases.

    What Preventive Measures Can I Take to Against Hacker?

    Run ClevGuard Security Software to Protect Your Device

    E-mail is the most commonly used business communication platform. In order to protect our information and privacy, we must find a secure tool to resist hackers. ClevGuard is a professional anti-spyware application, which can detect the spy applications hidden in our device.

    The top features of it not only can check for spyware, they also can offer 24/7 protection for you. For example, the third-party apps audit will check whether the third-party application is safe when you download and install it on your mobile phone. These features cut off the hacker's goal to attrack your phone.

    Moreover, you can use ClevGuard to for e-mail hacked check. Don't miss! Simply click the button "Get it Google Play Store" as below. After installation, you just need to enter your E-mail address. ClevGuard will present the result that your E-mail is secure or not. If your E-mail is hacked by someone, you can see the hacked website and date through this app. If your E-mail is safe, ClevGuard will continue to help you protect it.

    google play store button


    At the end it will it not be wrong to say that the email security issue is one of the most common issue and really very wild. As it can effect a person’s personal reputation, financially and several others ways. But there is a problem of every solution like we should download security app onto our device. In simple words if we manage the things carefully no one can easily access our accounts and damage our privacy.


    By Cody Walsh

    An experienced technology blogger and editor who has spent more than a decade writing about software, gadgets, and computing etc all over the Internet.

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