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4 Ways to Read LINE Messages without Showing Read in 2024

Home > Tips & Tricks > 4 Ways to Read LINE Messages without Showing Read in 2024
Megan Evans

Updated: Apr 24, 2022 06:53 pm

4 min read

When you receive a message on LINE app, you will get a notification. When you tap on the notification, the message will open automatically, and it will be marked as Read. However, there are times when you want to read LINE message without showing read receipt to the sender.

How can you do that? In this article, we will illustrate different ways how to read LINE message without showing read receipt.

How to Read LINE Messages without Sender Knowing? - Phone Solution

Here we have illustrated 3 different ways you can adapt in order to read LINE messages without showing Read receipt. For example, you can turn on Airplane mode and read the message so that LINE does not know about your reading activity. You can also read LINE messages from pop-up notifications without opening the app.

But the best way is to read LINE messages secretly with an external app. In the following sections, we will explain these methods in detail.

read line messsage without showing read

1. Read LINE Chats Secretly with 3rd -Party Tool

We recommend KidsGuard for LINE app that enables you to read anyone's LINE chats secretly. There is no way the target person will know that you are reading his LINE chats when you KidsGuard for LINE.

Hence, it is the best way on how to read a text without sender knowing on LINE app. Here are the features of KidsGuard for LINE app that are going to be extremely useful for you.

Check Sent, Received, Deleted Messages:

KidsGuard for LINE app lets you check the target person's LINE chats and conversations. This means you can check all the messages sent and received on the target person's LINE account. Even if the person has deleted any message, they will be visible from your KidsGuard Dashboard.

In short, you can read the target person's as well as the sender's messages. Even when the target person has not read the sender's messages, if you read them from KidsGuard for LINE, the sender won't get read receipts. Hence, it is the safest way to avoid the read receipts LINE messages.

Support Checking Two-Person Dialogue and Multi-Group Chat:

LINE allows users to have one-to-one conversations as well as group chats. KidsGuard for LINE app enables you to read both one-to-one conversations as well as group chats of the target person without letting him know. Hence, no LINE messaging activity of the target person will stay hidden from you by any means.

Support searching for chat messages on Dashboard:

If the person whose LINE chat you are tracking is highly active on LINE app, he is likely to have multiple chats with friends as well as group chats. Instead of going through all of them all the time, you could be tracking his chat with a particular person.

KidsGuard for LINE app lets you search for any particular chat message easily from your KidsGuard for LINE Dashboard. Therefore, monitoring someone's chats on LINE becomes easy and quick.

Other Key Features of KidsGuard for LINE

Apart from the above-mentioned features for complete and easy tracking of the target person's LINE chats, here are all the features of KidsGuard for LINE.

Check Call Logs:

You can track the LINE call logs to find out the incoming and outgoing calls. You will get all the details starting from caller name and number to call type and timestamp. This will help you to understand who the target person is keeping in contact.

View Images, Videos, Audios:

You can check all the photos, videos, and audio files shared on LINE app from your Dashboard. This includes all the photos, videos, and audio files sent and received on LINE app. You can also download them for future reference.

Check Docs:

If the person has shared or downloaded any document through LINE app, you can easily check them from KidsGuard Dashboard. You can also download them and keep them for future reference.

View App Activities:

KidsGuard for LINE app allows you to check on the target person's LINE activities. This means you can monitor daily usage frequency, how much time he is spending on LINE daily as well as the last access time when he opened LINE app.

App Screenshots:

KidsGuard for LINE app takes screenshots of LINE app at regular intervals when the target person uses the app. This ensures that if the target person does something secretly on LINE app, you will come to know about it from the screenshots.

Export Data/Files:

You can export all the LINE data of the target person from your Dashboard so that you can save them as evidence. Starting from documents and screenshots to photos, videos and audio files, everything can be exported from Dashboard.

2. Read LINE Messages on Pop-Ups

If you have pop-up notifications turned on your smartphone, you do not have to open LINE app to read the messages. You can quickly read the new incoming messages directly from pop-up notifications. Yet, the messages will not be considered read by LINE app.

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to turn on the pop-up notification feature on your smartphone.

For Android Users:

Step 1: Go to Settings app.

Step 2: Tap on Notifications option.

Step 3: Under "Notification Pop-up Mode", turn on Detailed option. This will show the incoming LINE messages in detail instead of just the first line.

Step 4: Go back to Settings app's home screen.

Step 5: Go to Apps > LINE. Turn on Display Notifications option.

line settings android

For iOS Users:

Step 1: Go to Settings app.

Step 2: Tap on Notifications > LINE. Turn on Allow Notifications option.

Step 3: Turn on Lock Screen, Banners, and Notification Center options.

Step 4: Go to Lock Screen appearance tab, and set Show Preview to Always option.

The limitation of this method is that you cannot view the messages again once you close the pop-up notifications.

line settings ios

3. Turn on Airplane Mode to Read LINE Chats

When you turn on Airplane Mode on your smartphone, the connection to the cellular internet is cut off. Therefore, if you turn on Airplane Mode and read the new messages on LINE, LINE won't mark them as read immediately due to the lack of internet connection.

However, when you turn off Airplane Mode and connect to mobile internet or Wi-Fi connection, LINE read notification can be seen by the sender of the messages. Therefore, this is a temporary solution where you are delaying the read receipt instead of the sender never knowing about it.

airplane mode

How to Read LINE Messages without Sender Knowing? - PC Solution

If you are using LINE app from your computer, things are easy when it comes to reading LINE messages without the senders knowing.

There is a trick that you have to perform in order to achieve this feat. When you are using LINE on your computer, you can open chat room in order to interact one-to-one as well as to interact in group chat. This means you can open multiple chat rooms to interact with more than one person simultaneously.

Let us consider that you open Chat Room A to interact with Person A and Chat Room B to interact with Person B. If you are interacting with Person B through Chat Room B, then Chat Room B is active while Chat Room A is inactive even though you can see Chat Room A side by side.

Therefore, if Person A sends any message to you in Chat Room A, you can see the messages even though you are active on Chat Room B. Therefore, the messages on Chat Room A won't get read receipts and hence, you have successfully read the incoming messages of Person A without him knowing.

The limitation of the method is that you may not be able to open multiple windows(chat rooms) of the app in the latest versions of Windows and Chromebook.

FAQ about LINE App

Q1. Can I See Who Read My LINE Messages?

If you are in a group chat and you have sent a message, you can see instantly how many members have read your message with the label "Ready By X" where X is the number of members who have read your message. To see who exactly read your message, tap on Read By option, and you will see the list of the members who read your message.

Q2. How to Turn Off Read Receipts on LINE

Unfortunately, there is no way to turn off read receipts on LINE. You have to adapt any of the methods we have stated to stop LINE from generating Read receipts even when you read someone's incoming messages. The best way out is to use KidsGuard for LINE to read someone's LINE chats without LINE generating read receipts.

Q3. How to Appear Offline on LINE App?

There is no way to appear offline on LINE app. You have to turn off your internet connection or enter into Airplane mode to appear offline on LINE app.


We have illustrated all the possible ways on how to read a text without the sender knowing on LINE app. You can enter into Airplane mode and read the messages. You can also read from pop-up notifications. However, both the methods have limitations and hence, we recommend KidsGuard for LINE to read LINE messages secretly without showing read.


By Megan Evans

A certified content marketing specialist with great passion for Internet and online safety. She is bent on educating the audience about cyber safety tips and tricks.

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